The Book of Jared

Overview for 'Doctrines'

Small and simple things...

Visit any of the anti-mormon sites and one of the complaints you might find is that barley is mentioned in connection with Book of Mormon times and lands. FairMormon has addressed most areas of this issue, showing that not only was barley present in the new world before the Spanish arrived, but tha…

Written by Jared on Friday December 16, 2022.

On Politics and Gadiantons

There are times, where the Lord goes out of his way to warn us about human nature. One excellent example of this is the Word of Wisdom as contained in Doctrine and Covenants 89, where the Lord explains His reasoning for his council:  4 Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In cons…

Written by Jared on Friday December 16, 2022.

Which is the greatest blessing of the gospel in your life?

When I thought about it, I realized that the greatest blessing I have received from living the gospel is not in my life, it is my life. Everything I have, and everything I am is the direct result of my having lived the various principles of the gospel. It all really started when I was in my early…

Written by Jared on Friday December 16, 2022.

About that narrow neck of land...

The image, the title image for this post, shows the topographical features of much of Central America. What really stood out to me was the section around Salina Cruz, where there is literally a narrow passage between the mountains where you would expect people to pass through if they were heading…

Written by Jared on Friday December 16, 2022.

Telling lies for Jesus...

I get that some people leave the LDS church... I have often had conversations that start out with some version of, "I used to be a Mormon, but <insert reason or thing I didn't know and found out about here>, and so I left." More often than not, these people are sincere, and were once pra…

Written by Jared on Friday December 16, 2022.

Sherem, Nehor, and Korihor

Sherem Sherem is the first person we read about that comes into the people of Nephi trying to dissuade them from following the teachings of Jacob, specifically the teachings about Christ, who was still to come. The scriptures describe him as:  4 And he was learned, that he had a perf…

Written by Jared on Friday December 16, 2022.