I guess they call it WOW because you have to exclaim "WOW, does this game SUCK!" I have spent all day just trying to install the game, after having paid $19.00 for an account. I get home after all this headache and try and login from my Macintosh at home and I get a message telling me that my accou…
Written by Jared on Thursday December 15, 2022.
I just read this story about the Chinese women's gymnastics team, and the controversy surrounding their ages. Why is anyone surprised by this? Really, a nation like China that cares so little about the rights of its citizens is engaging in fixing the Olympic games? But how could that be? Seriously,…
Written by Jared on Thursday December 15, 2022.
Some of you might already know about this, but I have been taking an Improv workshop class at the "local" Comedy Sportz. The class is a lot of fun, and I get to hang out with some very talented people while honing my improvisational comedy skills. I have been attending the class for several months…
Written by Jared on Thursday December 15, 2022.
I have recently been reading through the Apocalypse of Abraham, and have discovered some really interesting things. As I was reading through the translation, I couldn't help but notice there are many similarities to the account translated and published by Joseph Smith as the Book of Abraham. Additi…
Written by Jared on Thursday December 15, 2022.
The Book of Beginnings Chapter 1 1. In the beginning was the WordPress. And the blog was without form and void. And so I decided to start a blog, in my own image, after the manner of my understanding; for to hold my religious musings and thoughts. 2. It is hoped that you, the reader, will enjoy wha…
Written by Jared on Thursday December 15, 2022.